For Conero&stevi, the achievement of quality certifications has been a path faced with the awareness of obtaining a recognition, already achieved and in the company objectives since the foundation of the company. ISO 9001 is just one of the European and international directives that guide the path of control and improvement of the efficiency and quality of the services offered.

The Organisational and Management Model provided for by Legislative Decree 231/2001 is a document drawn up and drafted within Conero&Stevi with the specific intention of acquiring and adopting all the knowledge required to precisely define the responsibilities of the legal entity of the company. The control infrastructure is also required to draw up a path for all employees and collaborators, to give precise lines of conduct and algorithms of measurement and control. All this is defined in the legislation specifically created to prevent crime and corruption.

Click here to download the organizational and management model “231” for Conero&Stevi